Research & more
Through my years in school I have been able to branch out and learn about architecture through my specific interest. These ranging from being able to do an independent study, gallery exhibits, and simply learning things such as ink wash renderings. In these next images are things I have enjoyed to do that may not necessarily fit into a selected project.
Drafting & Ink Wash
Homage to Latinx
Over the years I have been able to participate in Hispanic heritage exhibitions and independent studies. These have involved finding and researching individual Latinx architects and firms. Shown here are four profile boards I have done for the likes of architects Fernanda Canales, Enrique Norten, Rozana Montiel and Teddy Cruz.
Each board has around three projects that I enjoyed and shows a brief glimpse into what the project was about. As another way to promote the Hispanic culture, Spanish translations were included as well as a qr code to further encourage people to learn more.
The board shown here was part of the Mississippi State University Research Symposium. The objective was to bring awareness to the rapid urban growth rate in Latin America. To do this three case studies that have attempted to solve the housing issue surfacing due to the big population jump. Quinta Monroy by Alejandro Aravena, PREVI by Peter Land, and the Uruguay Federation of Cooperatives for Mutual Aid were the three chosen studies. All followed three different approaches from organization led to resident made to create housing in three different Latin American cities. The results were made to show the pros and cons of each to further encourage the continuation of each.
Model Gallery